Sunday, October 30, 2011

Hello Everyone

Hello everyone, I hope everyone is doing great.

As usual, I've been a pretty busy "big girl" lately.  The other day, I helped mommy make cookies.  First you mix all the ingredients and then you bake them.
 Next, you put frosting on them.
 Mommy even let me put sprinkles on them, though that may have been a mistake :)
It was a good thing we made cookies, 'cause I had a new friend show up and I had to be a good hostess and offer him a snack.
His name is Jimmy the Ghost.  He loved the cookies.

A couple of days after Jimmy showed up, papa, grandma Judy and cousin Adam showed up too!
Me and Adam catching up on the couch.
 Adam gave me a stuffed kitty that he won.  Thanks so much Adam.  I named him Cowboy Kitty.  Isn't it the best papa?
 Do you like my "ponies" grandma?
Thanks so much for coming down and visiting guys, I had a great weekend.

I don't have it perfected yet, but I've been using the big girl potty at home.  Sometimes I'm too late, but I make it to the bathroom in time sometimes.  I'll get it figured out one of these days.

Halloween is just around the corner.  The other day, I was trying on mommy's costume.  What do you think?
You'll have to check out my next posting to see everything that we did for halloween.

This morning, daddy ran a half marathon.  I have no idea what a half marathon is, I just know that daddy was really glad to be done.  Good job dad, now put me down, you're all sweaty!

That's all for now,


  1. Fun pics! Have a great halloween!
    Aunt Karen

  2. Looks like Katie will be able to help make Christmas cookies this year!

  3. You will have to come to "Dakota" and help Grandma Judy bake. Sure are cute pictures.
    Save some Halloween candy for Papa.
