Wednesday, February 29, 2012

It's Been a While

Mommy & daddy have been keeping me really busy lately, just haven't had time to blog lately.  You know how parents can be, so needy.

Since we last chatted, mommy & daddy have both had birthdays.
 Daddy turned the big 4-0, wow.  I can't even imagine being that old!  I got daddy a Cinderella card, because that is my favorite movie and because I've turned into a little princess.

 We won't say how old mommy is after her birthday, but she is still young enough to get party hats and candy!

We've had some crazy weather here lately.  One day it's in the 70s and we're living it up outside....
...and then a couple of days later....
Good thing I was there to help clean up all of the snow that we got!  Grandma Judy & papa Terry were in town to enjoy it with us too.  Those South Dakotans weren't phased a bit.
I had such a fun time playing with grandma & papa, they sure know how to tire a little girl out!

With the snow outside, I've been staying indoors more.  I've become quite the little artist.  Everyday I have a new drawing to hang on the refrigerator.

"Lunch Time!"

At work, we exchanged Valentine's Day cards and had a little party.

 Some cards even arrived in the mail, with surprises in them!
 Mommy even made me a heart shaped pancake.  How cool is that??
This past weekend, we went to see the circus!  It was my first time, and I can't wait to go again.

Back at home, I've been working on taking on some big girl responsibilities.  I'm starting to dress myself, pick up my toys (I don't know why, 'cause I'll just get them out again in the morning anyway), and brushing my teeth.
One of mommy's friends made me my own piggy bank!  Now I have somewhere to keep my money!

Thanks for stopping by,


  1. What a busy little girl you have been ~ birthdays, valentines, sledding and the circus! How fun! Thanks for keeping us updated!

    Can't wait to see you again!

    Aunt Kathy

  2. There's so much going on down there! You'll have to come up here and shake things up!!

    Aunt Karen
