Wednesday, March 23, 2011

18 Months Old (this time I'm sure)

Tonight I turned 18 months old!!  A year and a half, where has the time gone???

For my last day of being less than 18 months old, I gave mommy and daddy a special treat.  For the first time ever, we went an entire day without them hearing me cry!  Daddy has been waiting for this for a long time.

Let's see, I've been pretty busy since my last post.  We went over to Iowa and celebrated Grandma Mary's birthday.
On the open road

On the drive over, we had to stop and see the biggest cow in the world.  Just look at the size of him!
Next, we stopped to play with cousins Jordan and Hudson.
 Thanks for playing with me guys!
Then we were off to see Grandpa Gary.  Grandpa has these really cool toys that help you pick stuff up off of the floor.  Since I'm a lot closer to the floor, than he is I just used them to grab mommy and daddy.
After that, it was off to celebrate Grandma Mary's birthday.
"Happy Birthday Grandma!"
Our travels didn't stop at Grandma's, we were off to a hotel.  I had never stayed in a hotel before.  It was just like home -if we had an indoor pool, a king sized bed and a fridge for my milk right next to my bed :)
 "Daddy, I need a bed like this at home!"
 Going for a quick dip before we head out.

Back at grandma's, playing with the kitty.

On St. Patrick's Day, daddy entered a local 5k run so mommy and I went to cheer him on.
Check this guy out!  Not only did he have a costume on but he was one of the first guys to finish.
Daddy didn't cross the finish line first, but we still went and celebrated afterwards with some ice-cream.  Hmm, maybe there is a connection to daddy not winning and us eating ice-cream????

For my half-birthday, mommy bought me my very one cup-cake.  Thanks mommy, your the best.

Take care,


1 comment:

  1. Looks as if you have been a busy girl with all of your traveling - wish one trip would have been to SD. Katie send me your email address on my email - I lost yours when my pc went down. Have a good weekend.
