Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I'm 2!!!

I made it to 2 years old!!
I can hardly believe it.  It seems like just the other day I was a baby and now I'm a big girl.

You know what happens when you turn to??? You get chores :(
I don't like chores very much.

Even though chores aren't any fun, having a birthday sure is.  Even before my birthday I started to get cards in the mail.
And not only cards, but a pumpkin too.
When the big day arrived, I was pretty casual about it.  After all, it's not like it's my first birthday or anything.
I could see that mommy and daddy were pretty excited for me, so to make them feel good I went along with it.  Mommy and daddy got me a pretend cooking set.
Does this mean more chores for me???  Or could it mean something else??

Work was a pretty busy day on my birthday.  We had a "Rodeo Round-Up" to go along with the big rodeo in town and we also celebrated my birthday with cupcakes.  Back at home, we had more cupcakes but at home we could light candles and I blew them out!
For a bonus surprise, grandma Mary came over to help celebrate my birthday!

Mommy and daddy were pretty excited about me turning two.  I'm not sure if they're happy that I'm turning into a big girl or if they're happy that we've all survived me turning two ;)

What a busy weekend we had.  On Monday, it was back to the grind of going to daycare/work.  Tuesday evening though, things started to change.  I was playing outside when a delivery truck stopped right in front of my house!  Guess what, aunts Karen & Kathy sent me a big present!
A kitchen set of my very own!!
There was "some assembly required", but between me and daddy we had it together in no time.
 My new kitchen is so much fun!  I even tell it goodbye in the mornings when I leave for work.

"dinner is ready"

 I also went to see Dr. Moore for my yearly check-up.  I'm now 36" tall and 29 lbs 3 oz.  Everything at the visit went just fine, I'm a healthy little big girl.

Thanks everyone for thinking of me on my birthday.

1 comment:

  1. What a fantastic 2nd birthday you had!
    You look so pretty in your dress. :)
    Why are your Mommy and Daddy giving you all of those chores to do? A girl has to play, play and play some more.
    We hope you have fun with your new kitchen!

    Love you lots!

    Aunt Kathy
