Sunday, November 7, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Hudson

I brought home another illness the other day, pink eye.  I had just gotten over an ear infection and was at the Dr's office to getting my second flu shot when Dr. Moore noticed my eye.  Thankfully that only lasted a couple of days.  Pretty soon I'm going to get my own parking spot at the children's clinic!!!

I've added a couple of more words to my arsenal.  Now I can say cat and duck, that puts me at about 10 words -reading this blog, you know that I can type a lot more words than I can say :)

Along with my new words, I have a new fascination -I love the little garbage cans that mommy and daddy have. I carry them all over the house, and sometimes I'll even sit in them.
They're just so much fun!
Kicking back and enjoying my chair.

This weekend was cousin Hudson's first birthday party.  Grandma Mary came to my house and road over to Hudson's party with me and mommy.  Hudson had his own cake, and it looks like he really enjoyed it.

Since I'm a pro at birthday parties now, I had to show Hudson the ropes on how to open presents.  He's a pretty quick study.
Hudson had a blast at his birthday party.
 Here I am with Hudson's other cousin, Reilly.  We were born on the same day, only a couple of hours apart!
Thanks for inviting us to the party guys!

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