Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!!!

Today was my second Halloween.  Last year I was in South Dakota, so this is my first chance to go trick-or-treating in Omaha.  It was quite the day.

I started out the day wearing a little orange kitty outfit.  Mommy says I was way too cute, and I can't argue with her.
After church, it was time to get down to business and get ready!  We had to get our pumpkins ready.  First, we had to clean them out.
"I'm not sticking my hand in there, it smells like baby food!"
"Mommy, that's just gross!"

Once the pumpkins were cleaned out, it was time to cut out a pattern.  We picked the kitty pattern.
A few minor details left...
...and here it is!
I thought we were done after this, but daddy started working on the big pumpkin.  Check this out!
The pumpkins look neat inside the house, look at them outside in the dark!

Thanks so much for growing them for me grandma!

With the pumpkins ready, it was time for me to get ready.  I wore my SDSU cheerleader outfit.
Since I'm still too little to walk outside by myself, I made daddy dress up and come with me.  We're both ready for the game!
Check out all of the candy choices!!!
When we got back home, it was time to give out candy to the other kids.  This was my favorite part.
I sat with mommy or daddy by the door all night to see all of the kids in their costumes.
What a fun day!  To see more pictures, click on the "Halloween Pictures" link at the top of the page.

Talk to you soon,



  1. The pumpkins were great - the best cut outs I have ever seen. You can work on ours when you come home. We did not have as many treat or treaters as usual - only about 60. Have a good week.

  2. Looks like you had a great Halloween!
    Thanks for sharing your pictures with us.

    Aunt Kathy

  3. What a fun day you had! Your pumpkins are so neat and you were such a big helper with them. My halloween costume is just too scary to show you, so I'll wait til you're a little older for that :)

    See you soon!

    Aunt Karen
