Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas is Coming!

It was beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here.  We had some snow for about a week, but now it is all gone.  That's OK though, I was able to take advantage of the snow and sunny weather and do some sledding with dad.
The snow didn't last very long, but neither did my interest in sledding.  Going down the hill is fun, but daddy is just too slow when he has to carry me back up the hill.

Our Christmas tree is still looking good.  I rearrange it every evening and have added some of my own home-made ornaments.

You can't see them in this picture, but I added some play-doh to the tree to give it my own special touch :)

When grandma Mary was in town, we got in the Christmas spirit by going to a live nativity scene.  That was pretty neat.  They had live horses and soldiers and I got to see the manger where baby Jesus was born.  That was really fun.

Me and mommy wrapping presents!  It's so much fun.  I can't wait until I get together with my extended family to open presents.  I've been a good girl this year!

A chocolate Santa, pajama pants, and relaxing on the floor.  I just don't know how it could get any better.

My potty training is still going pretty well.  It figures though, I start using the potty and guess what.....I get another chore :(

Last Saturday, our tradition of making Christmas cookies with Frank continued.  I like to think that I'm a little more help now that I'm a big girl

 Nobody said that baking cookies was a clean job
 "See Frank, you put flour all over the table like this."
 If you get some sprinkles stuck to your fingers, you can just lick them off!
 "Daddy, no eating cookies until they'll all done!"

After Christmas we exchanged presents with Frank.  Frank got me my own computer!
"Thank you Frank!"
 After a busy day, relaxing with mom.

On Sunday, I thought it would be a pretty relaxing day but there were two surprises coming my way.  Mommy and daddy took me up to Blair for a movie.  We went and saw Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked,  tt was so much fun.  And guess who was in the lobby afterwards....

I thought that was the end of my surprises for the day, but there was one more.  I "got the call" from South Dakota and they needed me up there right now!  I met aunt Karen and Liz half way between home and their house and waved goodbye to mom and dad for the week.  It's a good thing I went too 'cause I've been awfully busy -feeding cows, entertaining the cousins and showing off my dance moves to everyone.

Merry Christmas everyone,

1 comment:

  1. Glad you can take time from your busy schedule to spent some time in South Dakota. Good to have you making the rounds. Be good - Santa is just about here.
