Monday, July 12, 2010

Busy Little Girl

Sorry that it's been so long since I've updated my blog.  I've been so busy lately that I've hardly had time to think!  First I had to load the dishwasher.
Then it was time to put away the laundry
Before you know it, it was supper time and I had to get out my favorite recipe book so that I could make dinner.
Then daddy wanted to play ball, so we did that for a bit.
All this work for is too much for this little girl.  I needed a nap!
"Daddy, you're my favorite pillow"

This week I moved up to the "big girl" car seat.  Isn't it cool???

This week might be my last week on the special formula.  Hopefully my tummy can handle it.  Speaking of eating, I'm becoming such a good eater of table food.  A lot of it ends up in my hair, but some of it makes it's way to my tummy.
Talk to you soon,


1 comment:

  1. Your day sounds like mine! Dishes, laundry, cooking, except no nap for me today.

    Cousin Liz was sick today. Her tummy hurt all day long. Hopefully she's better tomorrow.

    We're looking at our calendar to see when it would be a good time to come down. We being maybe Liz, but for sure me!

    I'll e-mail you with some options.

    It's always fun to see your pictures. Uncle Bret just reviewed them, too :)

    Aunt Karen
