Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July

Wow, my first 4th of July!  What a fun holiday.  Firecrackers and fun summer clothes, what more is there??

Mommy and daddy took me to my first fireworks show.  I sat there and watch them the entire time -I was mesmerized!

The loud booms didn't scare me one bit, the lights were so pretty so watch.  It was so much fun, I can't wait until next year's show.

Mommy was a little scared of the loud noises, so we sat together.

On Saturday morning, we all went to the zoo where we met our friend Frank.

I was so excited to go to the zoo again.  The animals there are so funny to look at.
Look, baby pigs at the zoo!  Uncle Bret, you should start a zoo too :)

A little girl can't help but smile when she is at the zoo.

The zoo even has pretend animals for me to climb on!

Look Frank, I'm as big as this little monkey!

Thanks mom & dad and Frank for taking me to the zoo.

I have to tell you though, the zoo can tire a little girl out.

I haven't mastered it yet, but I'm starting to drink out of a sippy cup when I'm crawling around the house.

Though I've discovered another way to quench my thirst.  First, have daddy hold a glass of water.  Then you stick your hand in it.
Then you lick your hand!  Am I the first person to figure this out??

Daddy tried to get a picture of me standing, but he wasn't quick enough for me.

I went to the Dr. for my 9 month check-up and for my first visit since I had my tubes put in.  Dr. Moore says that everything is looking great.

Talk to you all later,



  1. Wow! You had a busy weekend! I'm glad the fireworks didn't scare you - sometimes they can be loud.

    Another trip to the zoo, too. You're lucky that you live close by. Pete and Skippy have made new animal friends this summer, too. They like to play with the skunks that roam around here. You can tell that they've had a play date just by sniffing the air around them. Yuck! Oh well, I guess it doesn't bother them :)

    Have a good day!

    Aunt Karen

  2. What great pictures from the weekend ~ you were one busy little girl!

    Connor is at camp this week ~ Adam misses him.

    Thanks for the cute pictures you sent up!

    Love you!
    Aunt Kathy
