Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hello, I'm Kaitlyn Kos. I'm a walker.

Hi everybody.  I've had such a fun week trying to figure out this walking program.  I set a personal best this week, 12 steps.

I'm hoping that by my birthday party I have it mastered so that I can show off to everybody.

Becca came over this week and watched me while mommy and daddy went to a movie.  We had such a blast.  Mommy, you should go to the movies more often :)

Look what mommy and daddy found for me at a sale, my very own shopping cart!  I just love it.  I push it around the house all day.  It even makes noises when you push it -daddy was just thrilled when we learned that.
This week is Frank's birthday, so we invited him up for supper.  We grilled hamburgers.  I even got my very own -my first grilled burger.
"Where's the beef?"
I love birthdays, that means cake and ice-cream!  Thanks for coming up Frank.
Besides walking, I'm also starting to get into yoga.  I think this is the downward-dog position.
Really, I'm into this.  I do it all of the time.
It's either yoga or I'm trying to do a cartwheel!
Thanks for checking my blog,



  1. What a fun week!
    Grilled burgers, ice cream ~ YOGA!
    Too cute!

    All of your cousins start school again this week in SD! We are hoping for cooler weather.

    Have a fantastic week!
    Aunt Kathy

  2. You're mastering both walking and yoga! Next I want to see you do the plank or maybe the tree - that's a tough one.

    Not only is the weekend of your birthday Liz's volleyball tournament, it is also homecoming!! Maybe you'll have a queen at your birthday party :)

    Hope you're having a great week at work!

    Aunt Karen
