Sunday, August 8, 2010

I'm a Walker!!

Exciting news here this week, I took my first steps!!!  Me and mommy and daddy where playing in the basement and I took two good steps to daddy.  Since then, I've put together three steps a couple of times.  I'm still a much better crawler, but pretty soon I think I'll be running all over the house.

I'm also getting a new tooth!  That will make five.  No pictures yet of me walking or of the new tooth, we'll keep on working on them though.

It's watermelon time!  I picked this out at the store and it's delicious!
Grandma Judy, I really like those beets that you brought down for me.
They taste great, but can be a tad on the messy side.  That's OK though, I have people who clean up me and my clothes.

Have a great week everybody,


  1. Congratulations on those first steps, cutie!!

  2. Hi Kaitlyn,

    Now that you are walking you can explore all over the house! How fun!
    Aren't grandma's beets the best?! YUM!

    We hope you are feeling better.

    Aunt Kathy
