Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fall is in the Air

Sorry that it's been such a long time since my last update.  I've been busy watching over mommy and daddy and I also came down with a cold.  Being little is hard work!

On one of the last nice days that we had, we went down to the lake to enjoy the beautiful weather.
It was so much fun to run around and play over there.
There different leaves at the lake than one I have in my yard.  See, take a look.

Speaking of leaves, our yard was full of them again last week so we had to rake them.  When I say "we", that means that I supervised and mommy & daddy raked them up.
"looking good mom!"
"I'd better take a closer look at this pile."

Grandma Judy & Grandpa Terry stopped by on there way back from Texas and spend the night with us.  We had so much fun, I think I wore them out!
Grandpa pushed me around in the laundry basket like it was a bumper car!  Beep Beep!
Thanks for stopping by guys!

"Kitty, what are you doing in my tunnel?"

I have a new favorite vegetable, it's called candy corn.
I love them,
and they are all mine!
As a matter of fact, I'm taking them with me!

Thanks for stopping by,


  1. Glad to see you are having beautiful falls days down there. You would have snow and ice mixed with the leaves if you were up here. When you get your fall work done down there, come up here and get some rest.

  2. I think you should come to our house and help Liz today. She is sweeping out the garage and when she's done, we're going to try to shoo the birds out of there. They think it's their house now and they are leaving all sorts of messes behind!

    Can't wait to see you!

    Aunt karen

  3. I love your choice of favorite veggies!!! Too cute!
    I was bummed when Grandma & Grandpa didn't bring you back to South Dakota for a quick visit ~ we are all excited to see you again.
    Can't wait to see your Halloween pictures ~ TRICK OR TREAT!!!

    Aunt Kathy
