Monday, October 11, 2010

Tough Week of Being One

This was the hardest week of being one year old that I've ever had.  I was a sick little girl and even had to go see Dr. Moore again.  I'm not sure what I had, but it kept me home from work for two days.  I'm feeling a lot better now though.

When I was at the Dr. for my birthday check-up the week before, I measured in at 23 lbs and 31" tall.  That makes me a tall girl for my age -which really comes in handy when I pull stuff off of the kitchen table :)

On Friday, mommy took me to the football game that daddy was working at.  Some of mommy's friends were there too, we had a blast.  Saturday, we went with Frank to visit his grandmother -she just loves me.
I have two more upper teeth!  That makes 8.  Now mommy has to be extra careful when she is try to dig stuff out of my mouth.

Hope all is well,


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