Monday, October 18, 2010

Feeling Better

I'm over my cold from last week and I'm feeling all better now.  Good thing too, 'cause I had a pretty busy weekend.

Grandma Mary came over and stayed with us on Friday and Saturday.  We did some shopping, put up the fall decorations, went out for know, girl stuff :)
Getting out the decorations.

Grandma brought me over a puppy!!!  Though not a real one, I don't think the kitty would like that.
When we were done decorating, I showed grandma some new things I like to do.  Like walking around with a bucket on my head!

Here is another trick I discovered.  I have this really fun music stand.  You push the buttons and it plays songs.
Well, I discovered that if I sit on it, all of the songs will play at the same time!  It's so much fun.
It was so nice out this weekend, that me and daddy had to throw the football around a little bit.

Not only did Grandma Mary come over, but Grandma Judy & Grandpa Terry stopped by on their way to see Uncle Donald.  What a fun surprise!!

Me and Grandma Judy sharing some fun stories.
Kicking back with grandpa and having some milk.
Thanks for stopping by everyone!

"...two little monkeys sitting on the chair....."
Talk to everyone later,


1 comment:

  1. Boy what a weekend!!! How about another on this weekend. If all goes as planned we should be able to stop by again on Sunday evening.
