Sunday, March 28, 2010

Fun Weekend

On Saturday I went on my first trip to a museum, so many things to look at.  Our friend Frank met us there, we had lots of fun.

Sunday daddy and I had to catch up on our sleep, so we took a power nap after church.

Once I was all rested up, it was time to look at the ads to see if there were any good deals!

My tooth is finally visible!  It came through a week or so ago, but I've been holding off mentioning it until we could get a good picture of it.  We haven't had any luck with the pictures, but stay tuned, I'm sure there will be one shortly.

Have a great week everybody,


1 comment:

  1. Looks like you have been a busy girl!
    We cannot wait to see you!

    Have a safe trip!
    Aunt Kathy
