Thursday, May 6, 2010

I have a new skill

Hello everybody! Man, have I been a busy little girl!

Mom and dad are on still trying to get me to eat solid food. I don't know, the bottle doesn't seem to make nearly the mess.

Daddy and I went for a run with the stroller the other day. That was really cool. After our workout, I needed some water.
"Mom, when do I get my own cell phone???"
And for the most exciting news, I'm now on the move!!! I don't have crawling mastered yet, but I'm getting there.

I'd better go. It looks like daddy needs some help putting up the baby gate!



  1. You sure are moving along there!!!!! You are huffing and puffing like Grandpa and I would be if we tried running!!!! I can not wait to see you do all of these new things.

    Love You,

    Grandma K.

  2. Look at you! Crawling today, driving tomorrow! Sometimes it seems like time goes by that fast. I hope your mommy had a nice Mother's Day today. Your cousins John and Liz brought me coffee and toast in bed this morning - that was a nice treat. Next year, you'll be able to walk into your mommy's room with a piece of toast on a plate! Probably no jelly, though :)

    Have a great day!

    Aunt Karen
