Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I'm 9 Months Old!!

Today I turned nine months old!!  Can you even believe it???  In that short time, I've learned to do so many things.  I've mastered rolling over, sitting up, crawling.  I'm getting pretty good at pulling myself up and standing next to things.  I can even shuffle myself from one end of the couch to the other.  I love to play ball with mommy and daddy, but my favorite thing is to chase that kitty around the house :)
I'm getting bigger too.  I'm over 20 lbs and I'm just over 28" long.

I also love to help mommy get ready for work in the morning.  Sometimes, she even lets me do my hair too!

Grandma Mary came over to visit us this week.  We had a really good time.  We went to lunch, took some naps, and just relaxed around the house.  Thanks so much for the visit grandma!

Hope everyone is do great,



  1. what abeautiful baby! my lil guy is 8 months old so they are close in age. i found you through topbabyblogs

  2. Thanks Adriana. If your little guy ever needs any baby advice, just send him my way :)

