Sunday, February 21, 2010

Baby Olympics

We had a pretty good weekend.  Saturday we picked up a pack-and-play from mommy's friend Faye.  With that in the car, we'll be able to stop and sleep where ever the open road may take us.

I'm over my cold now, thankfully and I'm doing a better job at sleeping through the night.  I still have to check and make sure that mommy and daddy can hear me every now and then, but they don't seem to mind.

On Tuesday I'll turn 5 months old!!!  Man, where has the time gone???

In honor of the Winter Olympics that are currently underway, I held my own baby Olympics.  Here's a run down of some of the "sports".

 The rings:

Giggling for no Real Reason:

Baby-Kitty Starring Contest:
Elvis Look-a-Like Contest:

Snuggling with your daddy:

Just being adorable:
Bottle Races

And the medal goes to....

I can't wait until the Summer Games!



  1. You win the GOLD Kaitlyn!

    **I know the perfect place where you can try out your new pack 'n play ~ South Dakota!**

    Aunt Kathy

  2. Last night as were out driving in the open country - there were several places you could begin your practicing for cross county sking.And there are several place where they are piling snow that you could begin down hill.

    Lots of good things in South Dakota.

    By the way, Liz played her last basketball game for the year last night.

    G'ma Judy.

  3. Awesome effort in the games, Kaitlyn!!

    Since Liz is finished with basketball, she has also signed up for some Olympic games. Currently, she is in the running for gold in the Clean Your Room category. It is 10:30 pm and she is still washing clothes!!

    In a secondary category, she has gone the extra mile and signed up for the Clean Your Brother's Room and He'll Pay You games! That is some extraordinary effort on her part! She is also in the running for gold as she has excelled to the vaccumming stage!

    Next, she is tackling the Science Fair. Suppositively, she is having her class over tomorrow to play Wii - she and Andrea's project is on balance. Good luck with that, huh?

    I'm off to the sleeping round of the Olympics. I'm pretty good at that... I hope you are too tonight!!

    Aunt Karen

  4. Way to go Liz! You can come down here and clean my room next :)

