Thursday, December 3, 2009

a HUGE milestone!!!

Howdy partners.  Guess what I did last night....I slept from 10:30pm until 6:00am!!!  Mommy and daddy were so happy for me.  Though honestly, the first thing that mommy said when daddy got up is "is she still breathing?!?!?".  I'm not sure if I'll sleep thru the night tonight, I might miss something.

Today mommy gave me a bath before we went to the grocery store.  Here is me in my little ducky bathrobe.

This evening, we got back to work on the Christmas tree.  It was a lot of work, so I had to help out.  Here I am telling mommy where to put the ornaments.

The kitty had to make a few adjustments too.

A quick final inspection...

Time for the star daddy!!!!

I've really started to grab on to things lately.  I don't care if it is a toy or the drawstrings on daddy's sweatshirt.  If I can reach it, I'm going to grab it!!

Have a good night everyone,



  1. Your first Christmas tree, Kaitlyn! It looks like you and mommy and daddy had fun picking it out and putting it up. You'll have to keep that kitty away from it!
    I like the picture of you in your ducky towel - you look all snuggled in :)
    Aunt Karen

  2. Your tree looks so pretty - maybe you can come up and help me do the adjusting that ours needs.
    Grandpa is talking about going to town this afternoon in the old truck. He is so anxious for you to get a picture taken in it.
    Have a Great Day.
    Grandma Judy
