Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Award Winning Baby!!

This past Christmas mommy submitted a picture of me for the cute kid holiday photo contest sponsored by the Omaha World Herald's Mommy website.  Yesterday we got the call that my picture was one of the winners!!!  We wow a gift certificate to Rockbrook Camera, how exciting!  It was truly a family effort -mommy took the picture, daddy tweaked it and of course I was the star of it.  Here is a Link to the Article and another look at the winning picture.

Daycare has been going pretty well.  The first day I was pretty worn out by the time I got home and between my nap and going to bed I slept for 10 hours.  I made up for it last night though and was up by 2:30 this morning.  Daddy thinks I had an energy drink at daycare.

Everyone at daycare is so impressed with how well I can hold my head up and how I can grab onto things.  I'm so "advanced" that they let me play with the toys for the 4th month old babies!

It's "snowmageddon" here again in Omaha.  I swear, I've never seen so much snow.  Good thing daddy has that new snowblower to play with -though I'll stay inside and play on my activity mat.

It's time for this little award winning baby to go.

Good night,



  1. Congratulations.... This is just the beginning.
    Glad that day care is going well - it makes it easier for all three of you. Hope you get a good night sleep tonight - maybe after you finish helping daddy blow snow you will be ready for another 10 hour night.
    We have been blessed with about another 6 to 8 inches of that white fluffy stuff.. we couldn't even make a snowman out of that stuff..besides it is way to cold.
    Have a good night.
    Love You

  2. As soon as Uncle Brian saw your Christmas card the first thing he said was 'this should be entered in a contest' ~ guess your Momma heard him! Way to go girl!
    Have fun spending your gift certificate!
    Thanks for posting a picture from your daycare. It is fun to see where you are spending your day.
    Enjoy the snow!

    Aunt Kathy
