Sunday, January 3, 2010

Back Home From Iowa

We made it back home to Omaha yesterday, what a fun trip.  Before we came home, we stopped and saw Grandpa Gary and Aunt Jo.  We thanked them for the PJs that they gave me, they fit me perfectly now.  I gave them a picture of me -could you think of a better gift?!?!

Here is a picture of me and cousin Hudson at Grandpa's having a blast on the floor.  I think it was the only time all weekend we were both awake and one of us was't screaming.

When we got home, one of daddy's football friends called so we went of there for a little post-season get together.  I finally got to meet all of these guys that daddy spends so much time with.  There was a puppy there that couldn't get enough of me, I think I know what I'm going to ask for come birthday time.

Tomorrow will be my first day of daycare.  I'll be right next to mommy's work so she'll be able to stop in and see me when she has a break.  Keep your fingers crossed that I keep sleeping through the night!



  1. Kaitlyn, I'm so sorry I missed you! I just now got on to catch up on my blog reading. You make sure to tell mommy to let me know the next time you make an appearance back here and I will be sure to come see you :)

  2. Hi Kaitlyn,

    Think of all the new friends you'll meet at daycare tomorrow! We'll be thinking of you :)

    Aunt Karen

  3. Hi Kaitlyn,

    Aunt Karen is right ~ tomorrow you will meet some of your best friends! Kayla, Connor and Adam are still super friends with the other kids from daycare.

    Mommy's friends will be excited to see her again at the hospital.

    Have a super day ~ we will be thinking of you!

    Aunt Kathy

    **Did you watch those VIKINGS today?!
    I want Uncle Brian to buy playoff tickets...he had a funny grin on his face ~ I wonder if that means yes?!

  4. hey kaitlyn! you better watch out for those pesky teeth! once they come in, the dentist pulls 'em out for you! :'( that's what happened to me on thursday. it wasn't fun at all!

    hope you keep sleepin! and i hope to see you soon!

    love your favorite cousin named kayla :)
