Sunday, January 10, 2010

First Week at the Office

This week I finished my first week of work, a.k.a. daycare.  It was a learning experience for everyone.  My sleep schedule is a little messed up now, I'll have to start to get use to taking naps when other kids are playing around me.  Everyone there is very nice and it's so close to where mommy works that she can stop by and visit. Here is a shot of me at work.

One thing I learned this week is that if you have a major accident at work, you won't be dressed as cute coming home as you were going.

We took it pretty easy on Saturday, ran a few errands and took a few naps.  Me and mommy had to cuddle last night.

Look what happened to my swing!!  It has some safety bar on it now.  I've been growing so much and moving around that mommy was afraid I'd fall out. I'm not sure if I like this...

Daddy and I dressed in matching close this morning for church.

I'm still chewing on my fingers like there is a tooth coming in, but we can't see anything yet.

That's all the news that's fit to print,



  1. you are so cute and smiliey in your pictures now!! i cant wait to see you again!

    love kayla

  2. Oh, Kaitlyn! What a crazy little outfit you came home in! Looks like you had a big week at the office!

    Love your smiles!

    Aunt Kathy
