Monday, January 4, 2010

First Day at the Office

Today was my first day at daycare.  They have a lot of really fun toys to play with and I have my very own crib.  There are some other little babies there too, though I haven't really gotten to know them yet.  I had trouble sleeping there, so I took a power nap when mommy brought me home.

Once I got up from from my nap, I was a happy baby though.  Mommy and daddy needed some play time with me, so I let them entertain me for a while.

I'm still chewing on my fingers like I'm teething, but mommy isn't sure if I have a tooth working it's way down or not.  Either way, I'm a drooling machine!!!

Mommy's friend Mary gave me a very nice new rattle.  Thank you Mary!

Thanks for all of the phone calls and well wishes about my first day at daycare,



  1. We thought of you and your Mommy & Daddy a lot today! It is always good to have that 1st day over with!

    Stay warm!
    Aunt Kathy

  2. I kept looking at my watch and checking to see what you might be doing today and hoping all was going well.
    I thought of Mom too and was wondering who was making the biggest adjustment.
    Keep having those good days.
    Grandma Judy

  3. Congratulations on winning your photo contest!
    The 1st of many I am sure!

    All of your cousins in South Dakota had school dismiss early today!
