Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Happy 3 Weeks Old to Me!!

Three weeks, man time really flies when you're having fun. As I look back on these bask 21 days, it's so fun to meet everyone that I was only able to hear about before. So many friends and relatives already, with only more to come.

Today mommy and I went to class again today. My wish came true (though I don't think it was mommy's wish) I didn't sleep at all during the class. I let everyone know that I was there, just in case they take attendance.

Today I made my first trip to Wal-Mart , or as uncle Brian calls it "the eighth wonder". Not impressed, and I let everyone there know it. However, I seemed to be rather popular with the Wednesday afternoon shopping crowd.

Tomorrow mommy's friend Melissa is coming all the way from Denver to see me. We're going to hangout all weekend together. It will be a "girls weekend", my first!!


  1. Hi Kaitlyn ~ You go ahead and let everyone know what you think about Wal-Mart ~ TARGET RULES!

    We love the video tonight!

    Kayla has had the hiccups all day long!
    Any tips? Nothing is working for her!

    Your cousin Connor had a touchdown last night! He was so excited!! Adam had a great game too!

    Have a great night!

    Aunt Kathy

  2. Way to go Connor! Next year I'll have to make sure that my daddy takes me to one of your games.

    Kayla, try grip water that works for me. Though yesterday mommy gave me a bath when I had the hiccups and that worked too.

