Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What's Up?

Hey everybody, what's going on?  Sorry that it's been a few days since an update, but I've been pretty busy here -you know, crying, swinging and stuff.  Mommy and daddy always seem to want to go to sleep when in gets dark out and that's right when I'm getting ready to go!

Mommy and I went to class again on Monday.  I don't really know what they talked about, I slept through most of it again -maybe we should go to the advanced class next week so that it holds my attention.

Mommy and daddy's friend Frank came by for a visit today.  We really hit it off.  Maybe Frank can babysit me when mommy and daddy have to go somewhere......

Talk to you all later, Kaitlyn


  1. "Crying may last through the night, but joy comes in the morning" Psalm 30:5b. Isn't that right, Kaitlyn? :)!

  2. Kaitlyn,
    Your pictures are so adorable! I like to see what you've been up to each day.
    It is snowing here right now. What a bummer that is. Uncle Bret finished his silage this week, so that is good, but he has lots more to do before the snow really flies.
    Cousin Liz got her flu shot today after school. Now she is up doing her chores.
    I had better get supper going here. They will all be hungry when they come in!
    I hope you have a good night!
    Aunt Karen

  3. Daddy got his flu shot too -though he is sitting in front of the TV instead of working hard like Liz ;)
