Monday, October 5, 2009

My Super Power

Mommy and I had a pretty full day –I slept and she fed me.  When daddy got home, we went to Target to get me some new diapers.  Who wants to be in Target during the Vikings-Packers football game a.k.a “Favrageddon”??? so I cried some more.  That’s when I discovered my super power over daddy.  He sat me in one of the display swings and I stopped crying –guess what we brought home!!!

DSC_5283I’m not really sleeping in this picture, I’m trying to decide what else I liked at the store…..

Have a great night,



  1. Way to go Kaitlyn! I hope you are liking your new swing. It is pretty fancy! Your cousin John LOVED his.
    Tonight we are headed to Liz's volleyball game. I will tell you about your super power!

    Aunt Karen

  2. The POWER OF TEARS ~ you are learning early!
    I hope Mommy & Daddy have a cute TWINS outfit for you to wear tomorrow!


    Aunt Kathy

  3. Maybe next time Daddy should take you to a car dealership... :)!
