Sunday, October 11, 2009

A House Full of Nurses

We had a house full of nurses this afternoon, but don't worry everyone here is fine and healthy. My "Aunts" from mommy's DSCN0235nursing club came by to check me out. They just adored me :) They brought me some very pretty pink roses to match my middle name. I also got a new shirt and some zucchini bread -though mommy and daddy won't let me have any.

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Aunt Kathy, uncle Brian and my cousins stopped by on their way back to Watertown. It was so nice of them to come and visit. I can't wait until Halloween so that I can seem them again.

Have a great night,



  1. You are sure a popular little girl! So many people have stopped by to meet you!

    You looked so cute in your little bathtub. Baths are fun :) Besides that, you smell so good afterwards.

    We are going to cousin Liz's volleyball game tonight. They "get" to play Castlewood tonight. You can ask you dad about them.

    See you in a little more than two weeks!

    Aunt Karen

  2. How did the game go Liz? Did you beat those warriors (daddy says they cheat)?
